Bills Own Company

Bills Own Company

Kale, Andorra

Doing own business in ecommerce space for the decades. Love my job. 

I am looking for the front-end developer. Need to convert Figma design to responsive HTML/CSS. Preferably Bootstrap framework, so it's common and known framework for later updates and support. Need somebody experienced.

We're seeking a proactive virtual assistant to support our affiliate marketing and outreach efforts. Your primary focus will be identifying and recruiting potential affiliate marketers for our products, as well as expanding our brand presence on relevant platforms. This includes researching...

We are seeking a highly organized and motivated Virtual Assistant to support our expanding Amazon e-commerce business. This role is essential to streamlining our operations. Key Responsibilities: * Listing Optimization: Create and optimize product listings with compelling titles, descriptions,...

I need to model few products for our ecommerce: pillows and blankets. Would need to make some animations with it, as well to export some still images from same render. Here is few...