Chief Tokenization Officer

Task details
Posted on Jun 22nd, 2020
1 days
Full Time
Skills Required
  • Business Development

Founded in 2016, æternity blockchain is an Erlang-based scalable smart contract platform engineered by software development pioneers to address some of the most fundamental challenges native to earlier blockchains.

æternity uses State Channels to enable off-chain scaling, allowing the blockchain to withstand massive traffic without succumbing to network congestion. æternity also allows interaction between the network and real world data through Oracles, and integrates several advanced features to deliver the full benefits of blockchain technology to a global mass of users.

Job Summary:
Your primary responsibility will be to manage the implementation of the token sale process, including, portfolio management, listing, managing partnerships, and outreach. You will support the development of optimal tokenomics for different use cases, token-sales models, and designing other aspects of an ICO process. As Chief Tokenization Officer, you will help drive critical business decisions including the sales and go to market strategy for the startups preparing the token sale.

Primary Responsibilities:

Strategy development

-Develop, plan and execute a token sale strategy; -Conduct regular performance analyses, market, and competitive analyses of the current state of the token sale market as well as token sales on the token sale platform.


Relationship Management

-Establish and maintain relationships with key partners and investors, including investment funds and exchanges;

-Contribute to the development and grow an engaged community;

-Maintain active social media presence across relevant digital channels;

-Attend seminars, conferences, and events where appropriate.


Coordination and Leadership

-Liaising with ’s senior leadership team to ensure the flawless execution of assigned projects and alignment between the involved teams;

-Managing marketing agency relationships, campaign budgets, and schedules;

-Monitor and follow the latest developments and trends in fundraising/crowdsourcing provide and present statistical analysis to the senior leadership team.


Key Qualifications for Success:

-The successful candidate will be able to thrive in a dynamic and agile organization committed to an ambitious vision, a team player who will productively engage with others at varying levels of seniority.

-5-7 years proven experience in business development or digital marketing preferably in a High tech industry.

-Experience in a Blockchain focused Marketing.

-Experience in running a successful ICO project is highly desirable.

-Good knowledge in open-source development, blockchain and cryptocurrencies is a plus.

-Strong management skills, excellent oral and written communication skills.

-A college degree or equivalent experience.


Availability: Immediately
Hours: Full Time (40 hrs p/wk)
Location: Remote
Salary: Negotiable
Job type: Independent contractor


IMPORTANT!!! Be aware of a scam where a fraudster impersonates HR in emails, social media messages or text messages. Plenty of industries are targeted by scammers presently. No interview is taking place on Telegram or any other channel. Only the official email of : can be trusted!
If you are interested, please send us your application with a short motivational letter and your CV to:

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